The most unique Islamic camping experience

HIYC’s boys Bootcamp is a unique Islamic camping experience established in 2016.

Run over 4 days and exclusively over the school holidays, the boys experience real camping with an Islamic educational program.

From learning how to wash their own dishes, to swimming, archery, learning to pray and wudu, Islamic classes after the prayers, hiking and bush walking and bonding with new brothers and making friends and so much more…

The boys develop skills they can apply throughout their lives, from being responsible, to improving their character and manners, to making life long friends.

All educational programs are lead by an Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah sheikh so the boys get sound Islamic knowledge and are aimed at connecting them with the mosque.

There are very limited spots available. To register your child, fill in the form and our team will be in touch with further instructions.

If you wish to register multiple children, please fill the form again with next child's details.

To register your child click the button and fill in the form.


Bootcamp FAQs

24th – 27th January 2025

Boys between the ages of 10 to 16 years inclusive

All transportation to and from the camp site


Please support our sponsors

HIYC Bootcamp Terms and Conditions

The personal information collected on the registration form ensures ASWJ volunteers are able to provide the best possible care and service.

All information is confidential and is used solely for camp-related purposes. ASWJ will not accept applications for persons who would constitute a danger to themselves or others and reserves the right to decline an application on the bases of known behavioural issues that would be disruptive to the other persons on camp.

If full disclosure is not given (including behavioural issues), we will not accept responsibility for issues that occur as a result. Please ensure that all medication is handed to the camp director, unless self administered, such as inhalers.

The ASWJ Volunteers will handle the medication will have a current first-aid certificate. If the person requires significant medical assistance, every effort will be made to contact the emergency contact listed on the registration form. In the event that this person cannot be contacted, Camp staff will act in the person’s best interest and the person or parent/guardian will meet any expenses incurred. Volunteers, staff, and leaders will be clear of all liability in the event of injury or loss, which the camper may sustain to person or property. Camp refunds will only be given for unforeseen circumstances and at the ASWJ discretion.

Photos being taken at camp may be used for promotional purposes. Persons will be asked to participate in all programmed adventure activities while on camp. All adventure activities are run in accordance with the ASWJ. Suitable attire must be worn for these activities. We want everyone to have a great time and if RULES are NOT followed, you will be sent home at your own expense!

What you / your child /ward, need to follow:                                

1. No inappropriate/haram/illegal materials (e.g. drugs, knives, weapons) – no brainer.                                                

2. No leaving unless a leave pass is arranged prior to camp. This means staying in the area of facilities and activities… no going off on random trips outside of the permitted boundaries.                                                

3. Treat other people with respect and respect their property… that means leave it alone and NO fighting or causing injury or harm to others or any other nasty behavior.                              

4. Only registered persons allowed on‐site at all times.                                          

5. You need to help out and do your daily duties and final clean!

I give my consent for him/her to participate in this camp and agree to delegate my authority to ASWJ volunteers. Such volunteers may take whatever disciplinary action they deem necessary to ensure the safety, well being and good conduct of the children as a group, or individually for the duration of the camp including transportation to and from the site.

I have read the program and agree to my son/daughter’s participation in all the activities listed in the program. I understand that the volunteers will endeavor to contact me in an emergency. If I am unable to be contacted I authorise the teachers to obtain medical assistance which they deem necessary should an accident or illness occur. I authorise qualified medical practitioners to administer an anesthetic if such an eventuality arises. I agree to pay all medical, ambulance and pharmaceutical expenses incurred on behalf of the student.

I acknowledge that while ASWJ, it’s associate instructors and volunteers will make every reasonable effort to minimize exposure to known risks; all hazards and dangers associated with these activities cannot be foreseen or may be beyond the control of ASWJ, volunteers, and associated instructors.

I agree to waive any claims of liability that may arise against ASWJ personnel relative to the above.